Despite the fact that we spend over half of our weekdays at work, we frequently disregard our health during these times.
Sedentary employees, who spend the most of their time seated or even standing in front of a computer, This has become particularly relevant recently due to the number of people remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are more likely to develop bad postures like a rounded upper back, flat lower back, and projecting head as a result of this. Maintaining bad posture for lengthy periods of time can develop spinal misalignment and produce mechanical strain on the body structures resulting in:
  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Nerve pain
  • Wrist and forearm conditions
If you have any of these problems, you should get physiotherapy treatment as soon as possible to speed up your recovery and prevent additional worsening. It will be difficult to fully recover unless the root source of the problem is addressed.
  • The architecture of your workplace and how you use them are referred to as ergonomics.
  • Making ergonomic changes to the way you sit, stand, or execute particular tasks can help you avoid injuries and have a positive impact on your long-term health.
Changes in a person's posture can be at the root of a number of issues that cause chronic or acute discomfort, ranging from Text-Neck and poor job ergonomics to catastrophic accidents, genetic reasons, or even simply beginning a new physical activity. To combat this, we have a variety of therapy options available, including:
  • Ergonomic and postural re-education
  • Postural taping
  • Biomechanical postural analysis
  • Tailored rehabilitation program
  • Manual therapy and hands-on treatment
Lambton Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation takes a unique approach to diagnosing, evaluating, and correcting postural issues.